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篇名 臺灣地區檔案事業與檔案教育發展現況與前瞻
卷期 59
並列篇名 Development and Prospect of Archival Works and Archival Education in Taiwan
作者 薛理桂
頁次 16-24
關鍵字 檔案事業檔案教育臺灣Archival worksArchival educationTaiwan
出刊日期 200611


本文主要探討臺灣地區檔案事業與檔案教育之發展現況,以及其前瞻。檔案法自從1999年通過後,臺灣地區檔案事業之發展產生重大之變革,由於有檔案的專業法案,加上檔案事業的主管機關 – 檔案管理局於2001年產生,帶動檔案事業的標準化與資訊化,使得以往不受重視的檔案事業有長足的進展。檔案教育的發展則未能如檔案事業有同步進展,由於目前臺灣地區只有一所研究所與檔案事業有直接相關,其餘在圖書資訊學系所大都僅開設一門與檔案相關的課程。本文主要針對上述檔案事業與檔案教育在臺灣地區發展之現況進行探討,最後針對兩者之前瞻提出建議。


This paper mainly explores the current status of archival works and archival education in Taiwan. Two important events have made notable impacts on Taiwan’s archival works: the promulgation of the Archives Act of Taiwan in 1999 and the establishment of the National Archives Administration in 2001. As a result of the impacts, there is a growing tendency for archival works towards standardization and digitalization. Nevertheless, the archival education in Taiwan has not kept pace with the development of archival works. So far, in Taiwan, only one graduate institute is primarily designed for archival studies, while most institutes and departments related to library and information studies cover a minor proportion of archives courses. Through the discussion of archival works and archival education in Taiwan, this paper intends to advance some suggestions for their future development.
