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篇名 RFID在博物館的應用
卷期 59
並列篇名 Application of RFID in Museums
作者 顧潔光林澤勝
頁次 57-65
關鍵字 RFID的應用博物館管理RFID applicationMuseum management
出刊日期 200611




Recent news reports on RFID have caught attention from different fields of study, which commences the trend of applying the techniques of RFID to various spheres of life. As for the application of RFID in museums, it not only saves manpower and time but also facilitates full use of information and the expansion of museum services. Five ways of applying RFID in museums are suggested in this paper, including entrance management, self-guide introduction, collection management, inventory tracking, and publication management. This research points out that the outstanding properties of RFID are remarkably contributive to the assistance of self-guide introduction, to the improvement of learning effects, to the efficiency of inventory tracking, and to the management of security access. In light of the advantages of adopting RFID, museums should enhance the integration of RFID and information technology to design their respectively specific requirements so as to provide their visitors with innovative and diversified exhibitions.
