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篇名 淺論保存後設資料
卷期 59
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study of Metadata Preservation
作者 王文英
頁次 75-91
關鍵字 數位保存後設資料保存後設資料Digital preservationMetadataPreservation metadataRLGNLACedarsNEDLIBPREMIS working group
出刊日期 200611




In order to ensure the long-term accessibility, authenticity, and integrity of digitally preserved resources, several approaches including data format replacement, data code displacement, technical emulation, and data package are widely employed. Both data code displacement and technical emulation need the metadata to record the switching history and contextual information of a digital object so that future users may have access to reconstructing or operating the digital object. A number of international researches on metadata preservation have developed on the basis of OAIS. The characteristics and achievements of some of the projects on metadata preservation, such as the Cedars Project of UK and OCLC/RLG working groups, will be introduced and compared in this paper. Finally, the future direction for the development of metadata preservation will also be an issue under discussion.
