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篇名 嚴復「天演論」作意與內涵新詮
卷期 24
並列篇名 A New Interpretation of the Intention and Connotation of Yen Fu's
作者 吳展良
頁次 103-176
關鍵字 天演天演論嚴復作意內涵進化思維方式學術性格世界觀EvolutionOn EvolutionYen FuIntentionConnotationTaoProgressMode of thinkingAcademic styleWorld-viewTHCITSCI
出刊日期 199912




For a long time, it is widely believed by the academia that the intention of Yen Fu's translation of and comments on Huxley's On Evolution and Ethics is to save the country and the Chinese people from perishing, to search for wealth and power, to promote the reform movement, and to deal with contemporary crisis. These interpretations are not without grounds, however, the basic intention of Yen Fu's work is invariably neglected. This paper tries to indicate that the primary goal of Yen Fu's On Evolution is to to illustrate "The Way"(Tao) of cosmic process and social evolution by founding his theory on modern science while integrating it into traditional Chinese thought, so as to point out "The Way" for Chinese culture. For Yen Fu, to know the basic principles of natural and social evolution is the prerequisite for saving the country and the people, searching for wealth and power, and promoting the reform movement. Influenced by Chinese tradition, he maintained that one has to know The Great Way before one can save the world. Although this kind of mode of thinking is encouraged by modern science, it is mainly a continuation of the search for the all-inclusive Great Way in Chinese tradition. Witnessing the hazardous age, it is also an endeavor to deal with the tremendous changes by resorting to what is fundamental and universal. The content of Yen Fu's On Evolution not only derives from the West, but also from Yi-jing, Zhuang-zi, Lao-zi, The Great Learning, The Mean and other Chinese classics. It is not just a translation, but a unification of some of the profoundest learning from both the West and China. In brief, Yen Fu adopts modern scientific world-view on the basis of traditional Chinese mode of thinking and world-view. His On Evolution represents an attempt to integrate the highest learning of both the West and China in an age of crises. As the first one to introduce modern western learning into China, his goal and mode of thinking-in search of Tao, is still very Chinese.
