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篇名 宋代的義學
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Charitable Schools in the Sung Dynasty
作者 梁庚堯
頁次 177-223
關鍵字 宋代義學教育家族科舉理學Sung dynastyCharitable schoolEducationCivil service examinationClanNeo-ConfucianismTHCITSCI
出刊日期 199912




     The purpose of this paper is to inquire into the development of charitable schools in the Sung dynasty. There are four main sections in this paper. In the first section, we explain how the charitable schools as a heritage were formed under the social environment of the Sung dynasty. Under the stimulus of the civil service examination (k'o-chu) system, the need of education in society expanded. Charitable schools satisfied this need. Secondly, we explain how the charitable school supported by the Fan's charitable estate in Soochow influenced this heritage. The Fan's charitable school provided the idea that the finances of a charitable school could be supported by the income of a certain farm estate. This idea helped to make the economic foundation of many charitable schools stably. Then, we indicate that the fact that charitable schools became popularized in the Sung dynasty can not be understood just by social economic environment. The power of the ideal must be realized. Sung scholars always interpreted the ideal with moral meanings. But, to many families and clans, the ideal also had its practical meaning. To establish a charitable school was a philanthropic act. People believed that this kind of behavior would help oneself or one's posterity to pass the civil service examination. To get a degree in the examination was the realization of the dream of one's ancestors. Last, we discuss how the civil service examination system and neo-Confucianism (Li-Hsueh) influenced the educational goals and curricula of charitable schools. From the Northern Sung dynasty, the principal purpose of education in charitable schools was to train students to learn how to pass the civil service examination, the curricula were arranged in this way, too. In Southern Sung dynasty, neo-Confucianism thrived, so some scholars taught the teachings of neo-Confucianism in charitable schools. They emphasized that putting moral values into practice is more important than to pass the examination. Although they trained students to learn how to pass the examination, at the same time their emphasis on moral behavior in daily life made students understand that there was a broader direction for them to study and live.
