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篇名 臺灣史學的「變」與「不變」:1949~1999年
卷期 24
並列篇名 Tradition and Transformation: Historical Studies in Taiwan, 1949-1999
作者 王晴佳
頁次 329-374
關鍵字 史學臺灣臺灣研究史學史HistoryTaiwanTaiwan studiesHistoriographyTHCITSCI
出刊日期 199912




 The end of World War 2 ushered in a new era in the history of Taiwan. It also marked a new beginning of historical studies in Taiwan. The defeat of the nationalist government in mainland China forced many top-notch Chinese historians to retreat to the island. These Chinese scholars helped form a long lasting historiographical tradition in Taiwan, emphasizing source criticism and empirical research and extending the influence of the so-called ""historical source school"" (Shiliao xuepai) that appeared in the early 20th century.
 Beginning in the mid-1960s and armed with their knowledge of social science methods they learned from/in the West, Taiwan historians of a new generation sought an alliance between history and social sciences and attempted new methods in research which utilized the quantitative approach and theoretical contemplation. However, by the end of the 1970s this zest for social sciences gradually cooled down; empirical methods on source criticism regained their attraction. All the same, the social science orientation left an important legacy for Taiwan historians in the 1980s. Their studies were no longer confined to topics like political institutions and great ideas that had intrigued their teachers. Social history in a broad sense became a major trend which helped extend their interest into Taiwan.
 Since 1987 when the government finally lifted martial law, the study of Taiwan history boomed, gaining a tremendous popularity. Taiwan historians were now interested in knowing what has been going on around them on the island and eager to rewrite the history of the island for building a new nation. Political uncertainties at home and abroad, however, have prevented them from forming a consensus among themselves as well as with the island's residents.
