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篇名 殖民與再殖民--日治時期臺灣與海南島關係之研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 Colonization and Re-colonization: Japanese Colonial Experience on Taiwan and the Occupational Administration on Hainan during the WWⅡ
作者 鍾淑敏
頁次 169-221
關鍵字 殖民臺灣總督府日本帝國南進政策海南島臺灣拓殖會社ColonizationRe-colonizationHainanTaiwan development corporationSouthward advance policyTHCITSCI
出刊日期 200306




After the 10 Feb. 1939 invasion into the northern city Haiko on the island of Hainan , Hainan was under the military occupation of the Japanese Empire Army until the end of the WWII. We know that there were at least two main aims of the Japanese occupation of Hainan . The first aim was to get the natural resources, especially the iron, to support the war effort on the Chinese mainland, the other one was to construct a stepping stone for the following war with the western colonial powers. The main purpose of this essay is to study the way the Japanese colonial experience on Taiwan influenced the civil administration during the Japanese military occupation of Hainan.
What was the Japanese colonial experience on Taiwan (“Taiwan Experience” in the paper)? It outlines the Japanese colonial experiences on Taiwan, but the most important aspects that I put focus on concern the resource investigation, tropical medicine, “police administration”, special propaganda, economy building, etc. During the occupation, the civil administration was handled by the special department of the Japanese naval force on Hainan. The fact that more than half the special department staff on Hainan came from Taiwan or were had some experience of Taiwan affairs makes the author want to investigate whether the Taiwan experience influenced the Hainan civil administration and how go it. Taiwan Development Corporation, Taiwan Bank and other major corporations on Taiwan invested in Hainan under the Japanese Authority directions, making Hainan become “the second Taiwan” in Japanese eyes. The rice-sugar productivity policy in Hainan agriculture during the occupation was said to be a transition or copy of their Taiwan experience. The transition or copy of Taiwan experience brought the “Taiwan agriculture and Japan industry” colony character to Hainan too. We can also see the limited character of the colony Taiwan in the facts that the capital and people from Taiwan was not able to play a major active role in the Shilu iron mine or other industries.
