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篇名 從張家山漢簡「二年律令」論秦漢的刑期問題
卷期 31
並列篇名 Notes on the Problem of the Terms of Servitude in the Qin and Han Legal Systems: Based on
作者 刑義田
頁次 311-323
關鍵字 二年律令秦漢法律刑期The Term of servitudeQin and Han Legal systemsLegal text of year 2THCITSCI
出刊日期 200306




Based on the newly published legal texts unearthed at Zhangjia-shan, Jiangling, Hubei, this paper attempts to argue that a system of terms of servitude appeared in the Qin and Early Han China. The idea and system of terms of servitude took shape gradually in the periods of Spring and Autumn and Warring-States. The melting-down of the feudal system of ranks and the needs of manpower of the time contributed to its appearance. The main task in the legal reform of the Emperor Wen was not, as many scholars assert, to start a system of terms of servitude, but to make it more systematic.
