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篇名 明代燒荒考--兼論其生態影響
卷期 38
並列篇名 A Study of the Ming Dynasty's Policy of Grass Burning to Prevent Mongolian Invasion--And Its Ecological Impact
作者 邱仲麟
頁次 25-63
關鍵字 明代蒙古軍事對抗燒荒沙漠化Ming dynastyMongoliaMilitary resistanceGrass burningDesertificationTHCITSCI
出刊日期 200612




During the Ming Dynasty, starting in 1407, military forces guarding the northern border were ordered to routinely burn the grass on the Mongolian prairie beyond the border annually, in order to prevent Mongolian tribes from invading their southern countries in autumn. In the past, scholars believed that this policy had a tremendous impact on the ecology of the prairie, causing desertification of the soil. However, based on the observations from this study, the execution of the burning policy by the border army was not carried out precisely. Therefore, its impact was limited. Especially after 1570, reconciliation between the Ming Empire and Mongolia led to a relaxation of the border confrontation and a modified burning policy. Along the Great Wall’s nine defense sections, only Jizhen (薊鎮) and Liaodong (遼東) continued the policy. Xuanfu (宣府), Datong (大同), and Shanxi (山西) stopped carrying out the policy after 1581. As for the other four sections, it was restored after being discontinued for a short period. Even so, the policy was carried out perfunctorily. One noteworthy fact is that after 1570, the season for burning was moved from October (lunar calendar), when grass was withered, to July, when grass was lush. The effect of burning was obviously different than it had been before. After seventy years, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the burning was only nominal. Therefore, its effect on the ecology of the Mongolian prairie probably was not as severe as scholars have tended to believe.
