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篇名 柏林與史家論「道德判斷」--兼談二十世紀英國史學的若干發展
卷期 38
並列篇名 Isaiah Berlin's Dispute with Historians over
作者 林慈淑
頁次 219-270
關鍵字 以撒.柏林道德判斷英國史學Isaiah BerlinMoral JudgmentEnglish historiographyTHCITSCI
出刊日期 200612


本文擬由柏林(Isaiah Berlin, 1909~1997)的史學觀念入手,探索柏林如何與史家巴特菲爾德(Herbert Butterfield, 1900~1979)、卡耳(E. H. Carr, 1892~1982)論證「道德判斷」,並兼而論及「歷史」之義。文中將藉由他們對「道德判斷」問題的歧見和爭論,一方面觀看柏林與當代史家的互動往來、他在當時的「歷史」定位;一方面也由此考察二十世紀中葉英國史學發展的若干現象,甚至追溯這些現象的來龍去脈,譬如「道德判斷」議題的發展、英國史學中「文學的歷史」和「科學的歷史」兩股勢力的爭逐與消長,以及英國史學專業的走向。


This article opens access to the historical ideas of Isaiah Berlin (1909~1997) by exploring the Berlin’s arguments with Herbert Butterfield (1900~1979) and Edward. H. Carr (1892~1982) over the questions of moral judgment and what history is. By examining their discussions and disputes over these questions, I offer a glimpse of Berlin’s intellectual interactions with the principal English historians of his time. Additionally, this inquiry sheds light on some major developments in twentieth century historiography, such as the place of moral judgment, the long struggle between literary historians and scientific historians, as well as key features of the “professionalism” trend in historical inquiry in England.
