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篇名 一位初產婦於分娩期維護身體界面完整性的行為
卷期 49:6
並列篇名 A Primipara's Behaviors to Maintaining Body Boundary Intactness during Labor
作者 張淑貞陳彰惠
頁次 40-48
關鍵字 初產婦分娩期身體界面PrimiparaLaborBody boundaryMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200212




     he purpose of this filed study was to explore the efforts made by a primipara to maintain intactness of body boundary during her labor. As a participant observer the primary researcher simultaneously provided care and rec-orded the primipara's verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Via the nursing care, the primipara tried to achieve a sense of self-orientation and lending of ego strength during the labor process. She used verbal, postural, hand and eye behaviors to maintain her body boundary intactness during the controlled-boundary intact phase and the regressive-boundary permeable phase of labor. The primary nurse provided effective nursing interventions such as attending to physical needs and comfort, reducing internal stress and pain, giving correct information, encouragement and emotional support, and providing uninterrupted care, as well as guiding the husband's involvement in the care system. Finally, the primipara did not enter into the desperate-body boundary diffuse phase. This case gives us an experience that primary nursing care may be helpful to aprimipara in maintaining her body boundary intactness during labor.
