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篇名 職分與制度--錢賓四與中國政治史研究
卷期 38
並列篇名 Political Institutions and Responsibilities: Qian Mu and the Study of Chinese Political History
作者 閻鴻中
頁次 105-158
關鍵字 錢穆制度職分專制歷史意見當事人觀點政治思想政治史方法論THCITSCI
出刊日期 200612




Chinese scholars in modern times have almost uniformly come to the conclusion that the traditional politics in Imperial China was autocratic, and thus irrelevant to the ideas of modernity. Qian Mu (錢穆,1895~1990) stands out as an important dissenting voice on this argument. His researches are distinguished also by his unique opinions about the study of political institutions, the scope of this field, its methodologies, and its significance.
I summarize Qian Mu’s ideas as follows.
1. Unlike the narrow model of describing political systems solely in terms of transitions of power, Qian Mu adopted the traditional approach set forth by the Tang historian Du Yo (杜佑,735~812) in Tong Dian (《通典》, The Comprehensive Manual ), of researching political institutions from the perspectives of the government and the ruled. Thus, he paid attention to economy, military service, and education.
2. To understand and evaluate traditional political systems, Qian Mu gave priority to what he called “historical opinions” (the ideas of the people of the time). He also described a “doctrine of political responsibility” (職分論) as a unique mode of Chinese politicians’ thought. Although he intended to respect cultural subjectivity, he never opposed the use of either modern or western approaches. The problem he warned against rather was: to have a slavish reliance on western theories at the expense of an accurate understanding Chinese historical truth.
3. Qian Mu stressed the political interaction between philosophical ideals, such as Confucian, Legalist and Daoist, and the practical necessities of the real politics. In his view, therefore, it was usually various combinations of ideals and realities that caused changes of political institutions. Since these political necessities and issues continue to exist in modern China, modern officials and people would be wise to look upon the historical experience of their ancestors as a reference when facing and dealing with current practical problems.
4. Although modern democracy might help to solve China’s current political crises, Qian Mu believed that any successful political system must be based upon social realities and cultural values. It is wildly misguided to believe that the pursuit and successful development of a new political system requires the complete abandonment of tradition, Qian argued, because new institutions and values invariably must be established on the basis of traditional culture.
