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篇名 海峽兩岸電子資源共享聯盟比較
卷期 52
並列篇名 Comparison of the Consortium of Electronic Resources between Mainland China and Taiwan
作者 潘淑惠
頁次 42-57
關鍵字 中國高等教育文獻保障系統全國學術電子資源共享聯盟CALISChina academic library & information systemCONCERTConsortium on core electronic resources in Taiwan
出刊日期 200502


資源共享為學術界長久以來共同追求的理想,海峽兩岸圖書館間分別有大陸的中國高等教育文獻保障系統(China Academic Library & Information System, CALIS)以及我國的全國學術電子資源共享聯盟(Consortium on Core Electronic Resources in Taiwna, CONCERT)進行電子資源共享的運作,基於同文同種以及文化相近等因素,本文針對兩岸電子資源共享聯盟的發展背景、成立宗旨目標、組織結構、經費來源以及聯盟相關專業活動進行介紹並比較分析其相似與相異點,最後提出四點建議:以法明訂聯盟專責機構及組織架構,以法保障聯盟運作經費,整體規劃聯盟資源及系統發展,結合兩岸共建華文資源世界。


Resource sharing has been a long-sought goal in academia. In terms of sharing the same language and adjacent cultural and ethnic backgrounds, there has been close collaboration on academic resources between CALIS (Chinese Academic Library & Information System) in mainland China and CONCERT (Consortium on Core Electronic Resources in Taiwan) in Taiwan. In this paper, introduction and comparison of CALIS and CONCERT are illustrated, regarding their respective histories, goals, organization structures, and funding resources. Four suggestions are proposed to prompt smoother cooperation between CALIS and CONCERT, which, based on agreed policies, include establishing a consortium with specified responsibilities, developing an organization structure for the consortium, securing funding for the operation of the consortium, and planning better use of consortium resources along with developing more effective operational systems to combine resources from both mainland China and Taiwan.
