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篇名 Estimation Model for Analytical Evaluation of Software Project in Development Performance
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 軟體開發之差異分析與績效評估模式
作者 楊正甫
頁次 101-128
關鍵字 軟體評估軟體開發預估模式人力評估差異分析時間分析Software estimationDevelopment modelAnalytical evaluationScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199502


國內軟體發展迅速,但根據軟體協會的調查得知,多數以直覺方式估計軟體開發所需之時間與人力,尚未發展出適用的軟體預估模式,國外雖有軟體預估模式的研究,但這些模式係以國外軟體環境的實驗發展數據所導出,不適用於國內的軟體發展環境。 本研究乃針對上述問.題,深入探討並設計適用於圈內軟體環境的預估模式,提出軟體績效評估,以適應能力的介面設計,使差異分析具有智慧程度。其研究方法與驗證評估如下: 1.以問卷調查方式蒐集國內軟體的特徵。 2.從國外已發展的預估模式中選擇較具代表性的模式,結合軟體生產理論,進行理論與實證研究,加以量化分析;且對發展時間較近的預估模式,用以驗證。 3.以國內實際軟體發展資料,對模式加以評估、分析差異之原因,並導出具體評估模式。 由於在資訊科技的快速發展下,政府機構與民間企業為了內部自行發展的需求或外來的壓力,對於軟體開發的需要日趨殷切,以期提高生產力求得更高的品質與績效並增加競爭力。 惟在軟體發展的需求計畫上,遭遇到以下的問題: ‧如何安排一個軟體的專案計劃?時間如何預估?人力如何安排?所需經費預算如何? ‧有無軟體發展預估模式可資應用?其可信程度為何?正確性如何? 此類問題發生在沒有設置軟體部門的電腦用戶,同時亦發生在有軟體部門卻人力不足的單位,甚至在一般自行開發軟體的機構裡,亦甚需要有一預估模式,以便能客觀的規劃該機構內的工作量。 本研究是從理論、模式、系統的整合角度來設計軟體績效評估模式,經實驗結果顯示,國外開發之模式在國內有相當大的差異。因此,結合軟體生產理論,以數學量化分析模式,透過實驗發展數據,導出具體實用之軟體績效模式,以適應國內軟體環境。


According to the research in this study, most of the software development institutions in Taiwan reported an underestimation of the time and manpower factors necessary in software development. Failing to use statistical methodology theory instead approached the problem intuitively. Even now there are yet no suitable models available for the estimation of software development cost. Although there are many research reports on production of software estimation models in other countries, these are based on the local conditions for software development. Therefore, those models are not immediately applicable to the software development environment in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to discover a possible estimation model which best suits the software development environment in Taiwan. As for the estimation of manpower factors, this study sets forth an estimation program that is very similar to the development schedule program created by Boehm and Walston-Felix. With the rapid development in information technology, government institutions and private enterprises are eager to enhance software development in order to gain higher profits or to avoid becoming outmoded. Demands for change come both by forces within an organization as well as from outside pressure. This study is the estimation of manpower and time required in software development in private and government organizations in Taiwan. In this study we discuss only systems design, programs, code units, testing, integrated testing, acceptance testing and systems installation schedule, etc. By expanding the estimation range from the required analysis phase, then the value can be adjusted according to the ratio of manpower allocation discussed in estimation model. They can derive their own model based on the method introduced in the previous sections and the data they collect. With the radical change in Taiwan's software environment, such as the program generators gradual popularity; and since the concept of software engineering has been widely accepted, together with a greater awareness of software quality.
