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篇名 中小學校廁所清潔維護現況評估與促進
卷期 15:3
並列篇名 Evaluation and Promotion on the Cleaning Maintenance of Toilets in Mid-High/Elementary Schools in Taiwan
作者 林佳谷翁瑞宏李卓翰邱弘毅陳叡瑜
頁次 259-267
關鍵字 廁所清潔維護評估促進ToiletToilet cleaning maintenanceToilet usage evaluationToilet software promotionTSCI
出刊日期 199606


本計劃之目的為瞭解中小學校廁所的清潔維護現況,並促進學校廁所衛生之整體提升。透過民間社團與學術單位合作方式進行現況評估與促進活動,範圍涵蓋竹苗地區國民中小學校 255 所,推行步驟包含兩個階段:( 1 )評估工作,由當地義工進行問卷訪視,並派專人負責實地環境偵測。 ( 2 )促進工作,藉校長會議、觀摩會、地方行政單位的介入等等,使廁所清潔維護問題受到重視並加強執行。近四年來,在政府經費編列下,各校廁所硬體設施已漸次獲得改善。不過仍有一些缺點存在:「無衛生紙和肥皂的供應」,以及「殘障設施未符合標準」是普遍存在瑕疵,而「設備易損壞」、「經費不足」、「礙於現有硬體設備,難以做到男女分廁的要求」、及「廁所沖水設備欠佳」則是目前維護上的棘手問題。在我們推動廁所清潔維護計畫前後,分別進行清潔維護情況評估,比較分析促進成果,平均受評分數顯著提高,進行配對 t 檢定,統計亦呈現顯著差異( P< 0.05 ),顯示該計劃推動後,結果呈現顯著的進步。所以欲解決學校廁所清潔維護現況的缺失,建議可藉由教育(如使用方式教導、榮譽認養制度)與立法(如廁所清潔管理委員會、列管、權責區分、考績等)來責成之。


To upgrade the house-keeping, correct us age, and cleaning maintenance of toilets in the mid-high/elementary schools in Shin-Tsu and Miao-Lee counties, an evaluation and promotion program involving 255 schools were conducted by the joint efforts of a volunteer organization and an academic institute. This program was approached in two stages:(1) Evaluation. From questionnaires and field inspection, data were collected and anlyzed. (2) Promotion. Through a series of conferences, correspondence, work-shop demonstration, local government enforcement, etc., message of toilets management in school was propagated. The current status of the school toilets in these two counties are generally satisfactory. Schools have received specific funds from Taiwan Government for hardware construction or remodeling during past 4 years. But, minor drawbacks and defects are still existed, such as: safety, male/female separation, privacy, water flushing, toilet paper, handicapped facilities, etc. From the sanitary inspection, before and after, the imprevement is statistical significant (Paired-t test, P<0.05).
From the positive approval of K.A.P. inquiry over major issues in upgrading the toilets maintenance and the enthusiastic participation of all sectors (students, schools, government, and community), we are envisioning a better school toilets management in the near future.
