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篇名 唐宋政治論述中的負觀之政-治國典範的論辯
卷期 40
並列篇名 The Political Discourse of Zhenguan Reign in Tang-Song China: the Dispute over the Paradigm of Governance
作者 方震華
頁次 19-55
關鍵字 負觀理學治國典範唐宋時期五代唐太宗王安石Zhenguan periodDaoxuepolitical paradigmTang-Song Chinathe Five DynastiesTang TaizongWang AnshiTHCITSCI
出刊日期 200712


南宋末年,程朱之學成為學術上的「正統J'文臣諭政多半提倡堯舜三代而貶抑貞觀之政,但對統治者而言, I堯舜三代」邀速而模糊,遠不如唐太宗「一統華夷」的成就來得有吸引力。從中唐至南宋末,不諭儒臣對貞觀之政的評價如何改變,多數君主們對唐太宗典範的嚮位卻始終未衰。這是在分析宋神宗與王安石,孝宗、理宗與南宋理學家於施政理念的矛盾時,可以思考的角度。


In imperial China, when the political elite referred to the paradigm of governance, they usually mentioned the legacy of the Three Dynasties (sandai,三代) and the ancient sage kings, Yao(堯) and Shun(舜). In the Tang dynasty (618-907), however, a new paradigm was gradually created in the political discourse of the ruling elite. Based on the abundant achievements of Zhenguan period(貞觀, 627-649), some Tang bureaucrats suggested their emperors to follow the substantial examples ofTang Taizong(唐太宗, 599-649) rather than the vague legacy of Yao and Shun. While the Tang authority declined after the An Lushan rebellion, Taizong became the symbol of previous golden ages. Many Tang emperors demonstrated their ambition to rebuild the glory of the Tang by imitating the actions of Taizong. From the late eighth century the tradition of Zhenguan reign formed the new paradigm for political elite, and this continued even after the end ofthe Tang dynasty.
The development of Confucianism in the Song dynasty changed the perceptions of Zhenguan reign. From the eleventh century, Song literati tried to recover the tradition of the Three Dynasties, and criticized Tang Taizong for violating the Confucian principles. From the perspectives of the emperors, however, Taizong's conquest over nomadic tribes was too attractive to be ignored. Concerned with the political paradigm, emperors and bureaucrats had different opinions, which deeply influenced the development of Song politics.
