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篇名 李材與萬曆四年 (1576)大征羅旁之役
卷期 40
並列篇名 A Study ofLi Cai and the Battle of Luopang Area (1576)
作者 劉勇
頁次 57-91
關鍵字 李材張居正面江羅旁講學Li CaiZhang JuzhengXijiang RiverLuopang areaConfucian discussion of learningTHCITSCI
出刊日期 200712




The Yao nationality in Ming times spread over the Luopang area, which commanded a strategic position on the Xijiang River connecting the provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi. Yao ethnic insurrections in this area continued for two hundred years, from the founding of the Ming until the decisive government victory in 1576. This paper mainly discusses the political entanglement among provincial official Li Cai(李材, 1529~1606), grand secretary Zhang Juzheng(張居正, 1525~1582) and governor general Yin Zhengmao(殷正茂, 1513~1592) in the disputes over the fashionable discussion of learning movement of the Confucian literati, and over how to attack and seize the Luopang area. It shows that the key factor of the government victory was not confined to the local officials' knowledge ofthe local social problems and the plan for the military operation; it owed as much to the cooperation between the local governments and the court then dominated by the powerful Zhang Juzheng.
