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篇名 遊客環境態度與環境行為之研究--以七股黑面琵鷺保護區為例
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The Study of Tourists' Attitudes and Behaviors toward Environments--A Case Study of Black-faced Spoonbill Reserve in Ci-Gu County
作者 吳守從
頁次 57-73
關鍵字 生態旅遊環境態度環境行為七股黑面琵鷺保護區EcotourismEnvironmental attitudesEnvironmental behaviorsThe black-faced spoonbill reserve
出刊日期 200606




The purpose of this research was to examine the relationships between tourists' attitudes and behaviors toward environments in an ecotourism site-the reserve of 'Black-faced Spoonbill' in Ci-Gu county. There were 425 structured questionnaires effectively collected as sample data. The descriptive statistics, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and chi-square test of independence are applied to analyze collected data. The results of this research show that 'there are relationships between environmental attitudes and behaviors of tourists'. And the investigated tourists can be categorized into two groups, from the perspective of their attitudes toward environments. Otherwise, from the perspective of their behaviors upon environments, the tourists can also be assigned as two groups. By using cross tabulation to discuss the behavioral modes, the result shows that most conservative tourists are recognized as ecotourists, but most harmful tourists belong to mass tourists. Ecotourism in Taiwan is just in its initial status. Thus, most tourists have protective attitudes toward ecosystem developments, but they do not practically perform appropriate behaviors to reach the levels of the environmental sustainability. Therefore, the related organizations and institutions have to work hard on upgrading the ecotourism activities into a better stage.
