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篇名 健康體適能運動俱樂部顧客關係與行為意向之研究--以臺中市為例
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship between Customer Relation and Behavior Intention of Fitness Clubs--In Taichung City
作者 李城忠張可欣
頁次 40-56
關鍵字 服務品質關係品質Service qualityRelationship aqulity
出刊日期 200506


由於消費形態的改變及消費意識的抬頭,在整體行銷市場方面就越顯得競爭激烈,對於運動健身俱樂部產業而言,顧客的需求與目的更顯得多元,因此,如何與顧客產生良好之互動關係正是運動健身俱樂部經營策略主要目的,本研究將透過消費者的角度來了解顧客與健康體適能運動俱樂部間的服務品質、關係品質對滿意度及行為意向的因果模式。研究對象選擇位於台中市的世界健身俱樂部、99Gym Party、永豐棧及亞力山大等四家運動健身俱樂部之會員為例,共計發放500份問卷,有效問卷回收共計350份。資料經結構關係模式分析結果顯示,服務品質、關係品質與顧客滿意度皆正向影響行為意向,而整體模型之配適指標皆通過門檻值標準,該結果亦顯示本研究之理論模型可獲得支持。


In recent years, customers' consumption styles have been changing drastically. Customers know how to protect their rights; as a result, companies need to be more diverse to meet customers' needs. Take fitness clubs as an example, their main marketing strategy is to build a friendly and interactive relationship with customers. The main purpose of the study was to understand how service and relationship quality affected customer's satisfaction level and behavior intention with regards to which fitness clubs they selected. Customers from four fitness clubs in Taichung served as subjects in this survey. A total of 350 questionnaires were retrieved and the data was processed by a Structural Equation Model. The result indicated that the service relationship, relationship quality and customer's satisfaction level all had positively influenced behavioral intention. The overall model fit within the acceptable range.
