
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 輻射與甲狀腺
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Irradiation and Thyroid
作者 黃文盛樊裕明王昱豐
頁次 175-180
關鍵字 輻射甲狀腺碘-131IrradiationThyroidIodine-131
出刊日期 200009


     自從1896年Henri Becquerel發現輻射線迄今已逾百年,它的應用在今日可謂既廣且深。就醫學應用而言,不但大幅改變診療方式,協助臨床醫事人員完成疾病早期診斷和治療,同時對醫學研究的突破也作出莫大貢獻。然而如同俗諺所言:「水能載舟,亦能覆舟」,由於過去醫療試誤經驗及核爆負面影響,加以過去因設計不良所導致的蘇俄車諾比爾核意外事件效應,使民眾對輻射加諸人類的影響多持恐懼及反對態度,也留給醫用輻射操作人員和病人一些疑慮和顧忌。目前得知大劑量輻射可以確認對人體有害,但對低劑量輻射效應則因物種、核種、曝露劑量及曝露率而有所差異,加以評估人體可能反應的方法和觀察期間不同,其結果常有不同,因此有不同的理論(可能)被提出,留給此一研究領域學者一個很大的探索空間。有趣的是最近相關研究進一步發現低劑量輻射的正面效應。隨著新知識增加和科技的精進,學者得以更深入、更客觀面對這個問題。本文僅就可獲得的資料加以匯整,提供參考。


     The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine organ, which is normally located in the frontal of your neck and often receives radiation inadvertently. In the 1950s, physicians began to found an increased number of benign and malignant thyroid tumors among patients who had been given radiation therapy years earlier. The fact that the radiation had caused the thyroid tumors was substantiated when it was found that many individuals exposed to radiation or fallout from atomic bomb and Chernobyl accident. Those notorious experiences frightened the public for decades. On the other hand, iodine is a requisite substrate for the synthesis of the thyroid hormone (TH). The production of TH from the thyroid gland and intracellular metabolic transformations are critical for thyroid status. Radioactive iodine is thus widely used in diagnosis and treatment of various thyroid diseases, whereas potassium iodided can prevent radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland. The purpose of this review is to summarize the available data on interplay between radiation and thyroid gland and to provide evidence on the safety of radioactive iodine in medical uses.
