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篇名 自「身心靈醫療」觀精神分裂的「次人格」現象及幫助個案自癒的經驗
卷期 54:3
並列篇名 Researching Subordinate Personality Atavism in Schizophrenia From the Perspective of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Healing, and Helping the Patient to Recover
作者 許添盛
頁次 5-11
關鍵字 精神分裂許奈德首選症狀次人格錄音機理論schizophreniaSchneider’s first-rank symptomssubordinate personalitytheory of recorderMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200706


精神分裂(Schizophrenia)不是無法醫治的病。如果不了解精神分裂現象在整個身心靈層面運作的模式,自然就無從醫治了。「許奈德首選症狀(Schneider’s first-rank symptoms)」是早期被用來診斷精神分裂症的強而有力的支持與參考。我精研賽斯思想近二十年,以身心靈的角度為精神分裂現象重新下定義—那就是「次人格」(subordinate personality)現象。它是一個未被面對、整合的次人格,在成形過程中及成形之後所產生的現象。這樣的新定義—「次人格」現象,指出精神分裂現象的基本核心問題,也完美地解釋了種種現象學,並為精神分裂症建立了病因學的診斷。參照賽斯書《個人實相的本質》中的經典範例—奧古斯都。以身心靈角度來說明,次人格為什麼用外界認為是精神分裂的方式來形成所謂的發病?強迫主人格活生生、血淋淋、無可逃避地面對自己潛意識的內容,其實這是自我成長、自我療癒和解決自我分裂的過程。所以說,這是一種「心理自救過程」。真正的治療,是藉由病人的幻聽、妄想,而協助他自我面對。我並以此發明了能成功幫助個案自我整合的治療關鍵—「錄音機理論」(theory of recorder)。


Schizophrenia is not an incurable condition. If we had not understood the operating model of schizophrenia in its spiritual phase, we would not know what its causes were, and there would be no cure for it. The author has studied The Seth Material for more than twenty years. New Age thinking has it that schizophrenia can be redefined as a phenomenon of subordinate personality or secondary personality. This new definition has directly pointed out and solved the core problems of schizophrenia. It has provided a perfect explanation of phenomenology. Also, the etiology of schizophrenia has been built. A guide to diagnosis and the new treatment has been produced. The secondary personality, as described above, prevents the patient from being willing to face and grow with his main personality, and causes him to split from it. A new vision of mind and spirit enables a schizophrenic episode to be seen in fact as a process which forces him to face himself and push him to grow into one and self-heal. According to the symptoms of schizophrenia (auditory hallucinations, thought withdrawal, insertion and interruption, thought broadcasting, somatic hallucinations, delusional perception, external agents), which are the key points of recovery, the author proposes the theory of recorder as a spiritual prescription for healing which has succeeded in helping our patients.
