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篇名 蜜月灣衝浪活動區之旅遊地生命週期與發展策略
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution and Development Strategies in Honeymoon Bay Surfing Area
作者 許智富
頁次 84-103
關鍵字 衝浪蜜月灣旅遊地生命週期SWOTTOWSSurfingHoneymoon bayTourist area cycle of evolution
出刊日期 200806




This Article use TACE(Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution) to exam the past of Honeymoon Bay Surfing Area, the original place of surfing in Taiwan. Its life cycle can divided into four stages, Exploration Stage: 1960s- 1978, Involvement Stage: 1979-1986, Development Stage: 1987-2005 and Consolidation Stage: 2006 to nowadays because of the six surfing shop integrated, before Stagnation Stage comes, it appears some decline sign. SWOT analysis help us to realize the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat of Honeymoon Bay Surfing Area, finally, here we use TOWS in order to propose eight strategies.
