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篇名 結合雙光子吸收聚合化技術和電化學沉積技術製作硒化鎘微奈米結構
卷期 29:6=164
並列篇名 Fabrication of CdSe Micro/Nano Structures by Two Photon Absorption Induced Polymerization Technique Cooperated with Electrochemical Deposition Technique
作者 劉育松蔡忠憲陳柏文林建宏賴玉蝶巫晟逸許佳振
頁次 7-19
出刊日期 200806




In this report, a home-made Ti: sapphire femto-second laser was used as a light source to carry out two-photon (or multi-photon) polymerization on negative-tone SU8 and positive-tone AZ4620 photoresists. Using this technique we successfully fabricated one-, two-, and three-dimensionally periodic structures. Arbitrary types of defects can be introduced in these structures by arranging the exposed positions which were controlled by computer programs. To increase the index of refraction of photonic crystals, we used electric-deposition technique to deposit two-dimensional CdSe structures of a high refractive index on photoresist patterned substrates. Photoresists were then removed to increase the refractive index contrast to broaden the photonic bandgaps of photonic crystals.

