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篇名 提昇急性精神科病房醫療團隊人員處理攻擊事件之能力
卷期 55:2
並列篇名 Enhancing the Capability of Medical Team to Manage Aggressive Events in Acute Psychiatric Wards
作者 齊美婷蔣秀容潘志泉呂素珍闕清模
頁次 59-67
關鍵字 急性精神科病房攻擊事件防範攻擊敏感度Acute psychiatric wardsAggressive eventsSensitivity of aggressive events preventionMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200804




Incidences of violence in acute psychiatric ward can lead to not only facility destructions, but also mental, physical injuries and even medical disputes. As part of efforts to enhance medical team abili-ties to manage aggressive events, this study aimed to provide references for reducing both aggressive events and resultant damage. Over two-thirds (69%) of all unanticipated occurrences registered by our unit in 2003-2004 were classed as “aggressive events”, i.e. there were 27 occurrences (0.09%) in which 0.04% resulted in staff injury. Events were mainly attributable to psychiatric symptoms, poor
impulse control and interpersonal conflicts. For this study, we used several intervention methods, including categorizing patients by “risk of violence” rank, revising the hospital’s standard operation processes for handling violence and revising the nursing rules to enhance nurse skills at managing violent events, countering patient violence, helping patients safely vent their anger and physical force, listening to relax music and conducting behavior modifcation. As a result, aggressive event prediction
sensitivity increased from 56% to 100%, with successful prevention rates reaching 80%. The rate of aggressive event occurrence reduced from 0.09% to 0.06% and staff injuries decreased from 0.04% to
0.02%. Intervention methods employed were shown to be quite effective. If medical teams elsewhere enhanced their sensitivity and abilities to avoid aggressive events, injury and damages could be pre-vented and medical care quality enhanced.
