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篇名 運用家庭調整與適應反應模式於一位愛滋病患家庭之照顧
卷期 55:2
並列篇名 Applying the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Model to Care of an AIDS Patient's Family
作者 陳綺雯林秋菊
頁次 104-109
關鍵字 家庭調整與適應反應模式愛滋病家庭照顧Family adjustment and adaptation response modelFAAR modelAIDSFamily careMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200804




Discrimination against AIDS patients occurs in our society,not only infuencing the patients but also restricting their usage of social resources. We report on a 31-year-old AIDS patient facing a family
crisis because of an imbalance between the meanings, demands, and capabilities of his family. In this paper, we have applied the family adjustment and adaptation response (FAAR) model to assess this
family, and identifed three health problems, including(1)poor communication among family mem-bers,(2)defciency in disease-related knowledge and skill, and (3) dysfunctional processing among the family. Throughout the care, we adopted a family-centered belief to communicate with the family to resolve their misunderstandings. We provided the family with information related to the disease to reduce their stress arising from caring for the patient. We also helped the family to utilize social resources by coordinating multi-disciplinary care. The family successfully restored a balance between meanings, demands, and capabilities. If we can apply this model clinically to understand the capabili-ties, demands and meanings of family existence as well as to help family members to develop their ca-pabilities, reduce demands and recognize the positive meanings of family, we can help AIDS patients and their families to achieve positive adaptation.
