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篇名 雲嘉地區醫院護理人員工作滿意與生活品質之探討
卷期 55:2
並列篇名 Job Satisfaction and Quality of Life among Hospital Nurses in the Yunlin-Chiayi Area
作者 余玉如洪淑文吳羿寬蔡麗娟王惠美林綽娟
頁次 29-38
關鍵字 護理人員工作滿意度生活品質NursesJob satisfactionQuality of lifeMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200804


本研究採橫斷式問卷調查方式,探討護理人員工作滿意度及生活品質情形及其相關性。研究對象為雲嘉地區七家醫院工作滿六個月的1,020護理人員,回收問卷911份(回收率89.3%) 。研究工具為問卷表包括三部份:基本資料與工作環境、生活品質、工作滿意度等。其內在一致性為 .87- .94。以SPSS/PC 13.0進行資料處理與分析。研究結果顯示,影響護理人員工作滿意度的變項包括:主管支持程度、白班照顧病人數、健康狀況、輪調壓力、宗教的影響、整體工作壓力感受、單位符合工作興趣等 (R2= .54) 。影響研究對象生活品質的變項包括:工作滿意度、生活快樂程度、健康狀況、整體工作壓力感受、實際年齡等(R2= .51) 。護理人員的工作滿意度與生活品質之間有顯著差異。護理主管宜適時創造優質工作環境以利護理人員的留任。


The purpose of this study was to explore job satisfaction and quality of life and their inter-relationships among nurses. A cross-sectional research design was applied. Participants were 1,020 nurses who had
worked for over six months at seven hospitals in Yunlin and Chiayi counties. Nine hundred and eleven questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 89.3%. The questionnaire comprised three parts: de-
mographic characteristics and work environment, quality of life, and job satisfaction. The Cronbach’s alphas were .87-.94. Data were analyzed by SPSS/PC 13.0. The results showed: (1) Factors affecting job satisfaction were support managers, number of patients cared for during day time, health status, stress from changing units, religion, work stress, and working unit’s suitability to one’s interests (R2= 53.5%). (2) Factors affecting quality of life were job satisfaction, happiness of life, health status, work stress, and age (R2 = 51.0%). (3) There was a positive correlation between job satisfaction and quality of life. Nursing managers should create better work environments to improve nurses’ job satisfaction and facilitate their retention in the nursing profession.
