
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 影響我國大學生社會角色學習的同儕團體因素
卷期 23
作者 郭玉霞
頁次 209-216
出刊日期 198106


從二次大戰之後,教育、社會及心理學者都關心一個問題 ─ 為什麼在學階段的青年比其他年齡階段的人更需要和同儕團體保持密切的聯繫,並對其產生認同?他們研究的結果,提出下面的解答 ─ 因為社會對於生理已成熟者延遲其成人責任,使其處在一種「異常」的地位,不知道自身的地位,處在社會的邊緣地帶。在面對未來「不可知」的情況下,他們必須先有一個清晰的自我影像,才能決定自己將來到底要做什麼,而參與同儕團體正是了解自我影像的極適當途徑。具體而言,本研究的目的包括:1. 探討我國大學生同儕團體中的個人因素與成員社會角色學習的關係。2. 探討我國大學生同儕團體中的內部因素與成員社會角色學習的關係。3. 探討我國大學生同儕團體中的環境因素與成員社會角色學習的關係。4. 比較學生班級團體、社團組織兩類同儕團體與社會角色學習的關係。5. 歸納上述研究結果,提出具體建議以供大學及教育當局參考。


This research aims at probing into the factors of peer group in influencing Chinese university students’ social role learning. According to the theory of T. Parsons, this research defines “social role learning” as the effort to play the roles of “affective neutrality, ” “universalism, ” “achievement,” and “specificity”. The so─called peer group in this research connotes class group and student activity groups in the university;factors of the peer group includes individual factors in groups, the factor of the group itself, and extrinsic environment factors of the group.
This research investigates diverse factors in the student peer group, as well as the degree of individual’s learning of the social role. It further studies the relationship between those factors and the learning of social roles, in order that the influence of the factors in these two peer groups on learning their members’ social roles may be understood, and that their divergence be compared. Through the result of data analysis, six conclusions are drawn:
1. The influences of the individual factor in peer groups on the learning of the social roles are inconsistent between the student activity group and the class group.
2. As regards the groups’ intrinsic factors, the intrinsic factors of either the student activity group or class group have positive influences on the learning of their members’ roles of “Achievement” and “Universalism”.
3. In regard to the environmental factor as a whole, the environmental factor in student activity groups usually exerts greater influence on the learning of the role of “universalism”.
4. In regard to the diverse items in the environment, difference of the school region will affect students’ learning of social roles.
5. As regards the environmental factor in student activity groups, the position of the activity group in the university much affects its members’ learning the role of “achievement”. The adjustment of the actively group in the university have positive influence on it’s member’s learning of the roles of “achievement ” and ‘universalism”.
6. The diverse factors either in student activity groups or class groups has no connections with the learning of the roles of “affective neutrality” or “specifity”, hence the peer group has no influence on the learning of these two roles.Based on the above conclusions, this research offers recommendations listed below
1.The university students must pay equal education to these two kinds of peer groups.2. The university should resort to other ways of socialization to learn positively “affective neutrality” and “specificity” roles of the university students.3. To develop the socialization function of student activity groups, the university authorities should reinforce their work in helping student activity groups.
4. The university should pay attention to its social environment, as well as help the students to a clear understanding of the environment.5. The university authorities should, through the process of education, help the students to a clear understanding of the position and role the peer group plays in the organization of the university.

