
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣地區大學校院教育相關學系品牌集群及影響因素之研究:以大一新生入學考試成績為依據
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Brand Clustering of Educational Departments in Taiwan and Its Influential Factors: Based upon the Entrance Exam Cores of Freshmen
作者 葉連祺林淑萍
頁次 1-37
關鍵字 大學入學選擇大學品牌高等教育資料採礦College choiceData miningHigher educationUniversity brandTSSCI
出刊日期 200802




The entrance exam scores of freshmen can partly show educational departments’ brand position, and it can also used to study the phenomenon of brand difference and brand clustering in educational departments. So this study took the freshmen entrance exam scores of educational departments and its’ ranks as the base for empirical analysis. Some literature about college entrance system, the developmental status quo of educational departments, consumer behavior and university brand were all discussed, and one theoretic framework of college choice which consisted of influential factors, choice behavior and final results was used to form an analytic framework for empirical analysis. Data mining technique was used to analysis the minimum freshmen entrance exam scores of educational departments and its’ ranks during 2004 to 2006 school years. It indicated that total developmental trend during three years in whole freshmen entrance exam scores of educational departments were almost same. Some significant different clusters with extreme strong and weak brands were existed between educational departments. Both the type and location of university had stable effects on department brand clustering, but the effect of selected exam subjects was unstable. The performance in university evaluation and financial aid from M.O.E. had increasingly made some impacts. So the brand difference, brand clustering, and brand clusters movement in educational departments had really happened.
