
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 合作學習的技術層面
卷期 35
作者 李咏吟
頁次 151-168
出刊日期 199406


近幾年來,一種含高度程序性的班級分組教學型式,現普遍稱之為合作學習(cooperative learning),在國內已引起教師的廣泛注意,並已分別在高級職業學校、國中和國小等各層級的學校實驗其教學成效。合作學習的教學模式在歐美興起而積極被推展有其原因,首先是教育人士對重要目標再省思的結果,而發現學生應在學校的經驗中即應包含學習如何在社會化的情境(social context)中生活、工作和遊戲,如此更能確保他們未來的成功。學習心理學亦發現,最有意義的學習經驗是發生在學習者和他人一起討論、爭議或解決問題的過程當中,而不是在靜靜的聽課或個別閱讀之中。此外,合作學習的安排有助於促成學習者多進行主動的學習,而不過度依賴老師,如此讓老師有較多的時間從事更重要的活動,如觀察、回答問題、個別指導等等。在國內積極推展合作學習之際,有一值得注意的問題,即是一些嘗試合作學習的中小學教師對於此種教學法的技術層面的認知似嫌不足,因此其所嘗試的只能算是一般的分組教學型式,而非真正的合作學習,本文擬針對合作學習的技術層面予以解析說明,包括含作學習教法實施的必要程序、如何在小組活動中發展和評量學習者的社會技巧,以及小組學習及的成績計算辦法等,以加強有意實施合作學習的教師的施行能力,俾使合作學習在台灣的推廣能更順利。


Due to the rising attention of teachers from all levels of schools in Taiwan, this paper tried to illustrate the technical aspects of cooperative learning. At first, a brief theoretical background, a comparison between cooperative learning and traditional small group instruction, and different types of cooperative structure were described. Secondly, the implementation procedures of cooperative learning which included whole class instruction, small group learning, reporting, testing, and group appraisal were shown by an example. Thirdly, three critical technical aspects need to be known by teachers such as the development of worksheet and quiz materials, social skill observation sheets, and the calculation method of group performance scores were explained. Finally, this paper gave some guidelines for those teachers who would implement the cooperative learning instruction.

