
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 課程的哲學基礎
卷期 4
作者 黃炳煌
頁次 13-29
出刊日期 198106


一種課程的設計、發展、實施或改革,皆有其歷史的、社會學的、心理學的和哲學的因素或基礎。單就哲學的基礎而言,課程實乃某一社會對於教育(或課程)目標、內容、方法和評價等要素的一些基本假設,價值觀和信念的一種產物。不管這些基本假設,價值觀和信念是否清楚地為課程工作者或教師所意識,但有關課程與教學的每一決策或措施,均或隱或顯地為某種價值或信念所左右,乃是不可否認之事實。舉例而言,我國眾多教育界人士偏愛採用「部頒的課程標準」、「統一編製的標準教科書」、「統一教學進度」,甚至「統一考試」,便是由於對「知識」和「學習者」,採有某種基本假設和一套價值觀念所使然。本文撰寫之目的,即在以哲學的態度去探討與課程的四大要素─「目標」、「內容」、「方法」與「評價」─有關的一些基本論爭或問題,俾(一)一般教育工作者了解到,教育工作實為一種相當複雜的「理智活動」(A Rational Endeavor),而並非徒具一份宗教的熱忱即可辦得完善的事務;(二)協助學校教育工作人員辦識其日常教育措施背後的理論依據,同時澄清其有關教育之種種價值觀或信念;(三)協助負責課程決策的人士,澄清其有關教育之價值觀與信念,從而發展出一套首尾一貫,彼此不相矛盾的哲學基礎。以下即分就教育(或課程)之目標、內容、方法和評價四方面,論述其哲學之基礎。


The purpose of this study is to investigate, through the application of philosophical analysis, major controversial issues involved in the filed of curriculum. The issues under critical study are classified into four major categories:(1)issues related to curriculum objectives, (2)issues related to curriculum content, (3)issues related to curriculum methods or procedures, and (4)issues related to curriculum evaluation. More specifically, the first category includes the following controversial issues:(1)absolute objectives vs. relative objectives, (2)general objectives vs. specific(or behavioral)objectives, (3)society─centered vs. child─centered. Issues dealt with under the second category include:(1)those relative to content selection,(2)those relative to content organization, and (3)those relative to sequence(or sequencial organization of curriculum content). The third category deals mainly with “inquiry method” ─ its functions, merits and limitations. The major issues investigated under the fourth category include:(1)pros and cons about “goal─free evaluation, ” (2)pros and cons about the use of “grades” or “scores” in reporting evaluation results, and (3)pros and cons about the necessity of making public the evaluation results, whether or not in the form of “grades” or “scores”, to those other than the evaluates.
Some final words are given as to the proper attitudes the reader should hold in the study of philosophical foundations of curriculum.

