
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 地方教育行政組織再造之研究
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Reinventing Vision of Local Education Authority
作者 林海清
頁次 85-98
關鍵字 教育行政教育局教審會組織再造組織結構Committee of educationEducational administrationLocal education authorityOrganizational structuralRe-inventingTSSCI
出刊日期 200108


由於全球化經濟競爭,公共資源短缺壓力,地方教育行政組織,面臨組織再造的衝擊;面對著知識經濟管理的時代,如何有的調整組織結構,改角色誤並且建立快速有效的運作機制,成為當前教育行政改革重要的課題。本研究從縣(市)教育睢第組織著手,探討教育局內部組織、教育審識委員會及學校經營委員會之功能,以提供研擬改進縣市教育行政組織之參考,藉此力圖改革,避免結構惰性(structural inertia)的產生,以重塑活力再造之教育行政組織。


Since the globally economy competition has been grown up and the higher pressure of lacking public resource, local education authority is facing the impact of organization reinvention. How to effectively adjust the structure of organization, change the role function and build a fast and effective working mechanism now is the most important issue of education revolution. The purpose of this article is to discuss the function of committee of education and school management from the angle of organization of local education authority in order to provide some strategies to improve the local education authorities and further to avoid structural inertia to have the organization a new life.
