
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 OECD高等教育知識管理與成效分析
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Analyzing Knowledge Management and Its Effectiveness of Tertiary Education in OECD
作者 張鈿富
頁次 25-58
關鍵字 知識管理知識經濟高等教育Knowledge-based economyKnowledge managementTertiary educationTSSCI
出刊日期 200108




Using the CORPS framework (clients, operations, resources, participants, and services), the author addresses the research and innovation management of tertiary education system in OECD countries. In this paper, the related data from OECD and the World Bank data were used to analyze the effectiveness of ISCED 5B, ISCED 5A/6, and their impact on high-technology exports. Correlation and cluster analyses are implemented by the SPSS package. The related data include student structure, organization operation, available resources structure, faculty-student ratio, and research outcomes.The findings reveal the knowledge-based human resource development has significantly correlation wit the high-technology innovation costumes among OECD countries. In the high knowledge-based oriented counties, their tertiary education structure, resources invest in knowledge innovations have significant differences when comparing with other low knowledge-based oriented countries.Taiwan’s current tertiary education also reviewed in this paper. The suggestions for Taiwan are as follows: Facing the challenges of the knowledge management, Taiwanese government needs to invest more resources in the tertiary education system. In the tertiary education system, we need to cultivate professional wisdom, transform the academic organizations, create knowledge networks, and building knowledge management indicator systems.
