
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 從對話行動舞臺的意義探究教育行政專業的重建
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Inquiry of Reconstruction of Professionalism in Educational Administration Through the Meaning of Dialogical Action Arena
作者 黃乃熒
頁次 180-218
關鍵字 對話行動舞臺主動意義教育行政專業理論實踐Dialogical action arenaMeaningProfessionalismTheoryPracticeTSSCI
出刊日期 199902




The dialogical action arena is an action domain which is constructed by the creation of mutual active meaning. Therefore, the meaning of dialogical action arena includes active socialontology, the epistemology of social construction of reality, and the praxiology of mutual happiness. According to the meaning, the action domain of dialogical action arena is established by in the middle, the relationship of companions, and dialogic consciousness. And the action approach includes decentered subject, the understanding of context, the exercise of poetic language, and the mutual appropriateness of logical change and change logic. To sum up, dialogical action arena can provide a new model for the management of professional theory and practice in educational administration.
