
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 臺北市國民中小學實施「公辦民營」之可行性分析
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Management of Public School Strategies in Taipei Elementary and Junior High Schools
作者 吳清山
頁次 157-179
關鍵字 國民中小學公辦民營管理合約民間承包特許學校Elementary and junior high schoolsPrivate management of public schoolManagement contractContract outBOTCharter schoolTSSCI
出刊日期 199902




The purpose of this article is to analyze the feasibility on the implementing private management of public school strategies in Taipei elementary and junior high schools. Firstly, it explores the internal and external environments of Taipei's public elementary and junior high school. Secondly, it discusses the advantages and disadvantages concerning the private management of public school. Next, it presents four models of the private management of public school--management contract, contract out, BOT, and charter school. Then, it assesses the feasibility of the four models to be implemented to Taipei's elementary and junior high schools. Finally, it provides suggestions to the Education Bureau of Taipei Municipality for the reform purpose.
