
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 英國及澳洲高等教育改革政策之比較研究
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 A Comparative Study of British and Australian Higher Education Reform
作者 戴曉霞
頁次 128-156
關鍵字 英國高等教育澳洲高等教育教育改革教育政策BritishAustralianHigher educationEducational reformTSSCI
出刊日期 199902




Owing to the massification of higher education in most developed countries, governments find it increasingly difficult to cope with the fast expansion. The policies of many OECD countries are clearly intended to bring about a fundamental transformation of the higher education. Britain and Australia are no exceptions. Besides, these two countries demonstrated striking similarity in their higher education policy. Both established a binary system in the mid-1960s to accommodate the higher education expansion and to promote greater diversity in the higher education system. However, through a process of so-called "upward academic drift", the polytechnics/colleges sector began to imitate the elite universities in almost every aspect. This outcome, together with other factors, led to the abolition of binary system of both countries in the late 1980s. This article explores the higher education reform in both countries with an aim to illuminate the changing relationship between governments and higher education institutions in the broad social and economic context.
