
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣地區國民教育資源分配之問題與改進建議
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Allocation of Taiwan's Compulsory Educational Resources: Problems and Suggestions
作者 李安明
頁次 60-86
關鍵字 教育資源分配國民教育教育經費Allocation of educational resourceCompulsory educationEducational expenditureTSSCI
出刊日期 199902




This paper delineates some main trends of the allocation of educational resources at the compulsory education level from fiscal year 1988 to 1997. The education statistics analyzed in this paper are as follows: the demographic data of compulsory education system, the percentages of educational expenditure by various levels of governments, the percentages of educational expenditure by various levels of education, the educational expenditure per student by various levels of education, the allocation of educational subsidy of compulsory education for county governments.
Through reviewing the above statistics, this paper then explored some existing problems concerning the distribution of educational resources. Three major problems addressed are: (1) though schools either identified as disadvantaged ones or with extremely small student population are recently given more categorical grants then before, they are in fact short of financial specialists to manage these grants, (2) the rigid financial and budget system has led to a considerable waste of educational resources and (3) the drawbacks of the existing financial formula of subsidy has led to some inequity concerning educational resource distribution.
Finally, some suggestions are given in this paper to solve the above problems, including developing a more reasonable financial formula of subsidy, considering a personalized "foundation program" for students with different needs, empowering school financial management through decentralization and autonomous, evaluating the implementation of categorical grants annually, developing a professional committee responsible for reviewing and allocating of educational subsidy, and putting forward the concept of inter-school educational resource sharing system.
