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篇名 節慶活動遊客參與動機及經濟效益探討--以綠色博覽會為例
卷期 83
並列篇名 Evaluation of Motivation Styles and Economic Benefits in Festival--A Case of Yi-Lan Green Exposition
作者 李俊鴻
頁次 59-94
關鍵字 節慶活動參與動機類型遊憩效益On-site poisson模型FestivalMotivation stylesRecreation benefitsOn-site poisson modelTSSCI
出刊日期 200806


本研究利用因素分析法歸納節慶活動參與動機的認知因素,並應用集群分析法將遊客區分成不同參與動機類型,接著將參與動機類型納入建立節慶活動的遊憩需求實證模型,以On-Site Poisson模型估計2006宜蘭綠色博覽會旅遊需求模型,探討不同參與動機集群在節慶活動旅遊需求、各項彈性及遊憩效益之差異。研究結果發現:(1)參與宜蘭綠色博覽會每位遊客的年遊憩殼益介於10,810元至11,990元;(2)不同參與動機集群在價格彈性、交叉彈性及遊憩妓益有顯著差異;(3)「多元動機型」的遊客前往宜蘭綠色博覽會 所得到的遊憩效益高於「家庭團聚型」、「社交活動型」、及「脫離現實型」。


This study attempted to segment festival market using a cluster based on delineated perception of motivation factors who attended the 2006 Yi-Lan Green Exposition in Taiwan. This study also using travel cost method to estimate the On-Site Poisson festival demand function, and investigated the relationships between motivation clusters and recreation demand. Finally, this study are measured the consumer surplus (CS) between motivation clusters in the special event. The empirical results of this study were threefold. First, the CS values from N. T. 10,810 to N.T.11,990 for year of average visitor in Yi-Lan Green Exposition. Second, motivation clusters has a significant differential in festival recreation demands and motivation clusters. Third, the CS values in multi-motivation clusters are higher than other motivation clusters.
