
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 學校組織中領導者與部屬交換關係、組織公平、組織自尊與工作滿意度對組織公民行為影響之研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Effect of Leadership and Membership Exchange, Organizational Justice, Organization-based Self-esteem, and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools
作者 吳政達
頁次 141-161
關鍵字 組織公平組織公民行為領導者與部屬交換關係Leadership and membership exchangeOrganizational citizenship behaviorOrganizational justiceTSSCI
出刊日期 200902




This research attempts to explore the effect of leadership and membership exchange (LMX) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in schools, and focus on the models with organizational justice, organization-based self-esteem, and job satisfaction as mediators. Results of AMOS suggested that the proposed theoretical model fitted the data well, indicating a support of the hypotheses. It seems that organizational justice, organization-based self-esteem, and job satisfaction have mediating effect between leadership and membership exchange and organizational citizenship behavior. However, job satisfaction plays a mediator of the effect of leadership and membership exchange, organizational justice, and organization-based self-esteem on organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, there is a positive correlation between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.
