
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 從高職人力供需的角度論職業類科師資培育應有的種類與數量
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 How Many Categories of Vocational Teachers should be Trained and Educated? In Terms of the Demand and Supply of Human Resources from Vocational High Schools
作者 張仁家
頁次 163-191
關鍵字 師資供需師資培育職業類科師資Teachers' demand and supplyTeachers' educationVocational teachersTSSCI
出刊日期 200902




The categories and quantities of teacher education should be decided according to the goals of education and students’ needs. The main goal of vocational high school education is to cultivate the basic workforce in technology, which should meet the needs of the employment market in qualities and quantities. When setting up the departments in recruiting students, the vocational high schools should take into consideration the local traits, school teacher specialties, and workforce demands in the employment market, and the teacher education should effectively meet the demands of the departments in vocational high schools as well. After the reform of Teacher Education Law in 1994, more and more people wanted to be teachers. Yet, there was not a growing need for teachers, causing a waste of education budget and human resources. This article was aimed to discuss the categories and quantities that vocational teachers should be trained and educated in terms of demand and supply. We first analyzed the current situation of demand and supply in the vocational high schools. Then, according to the statistics from Ministry of Education, we built up a formula and tried to calculate the categories and quantities of teacher supply in the academic years from 2007 through 2016. There were three conclusions as follows. Firstly, in agriculture, forest and fishing, the demand of workforce was more than supply, while there was a surplus of teachers. We recommended that students in these related industries should work immediately after graduation; meanwhile, teacher training should not be provided as much. Secondly, in engineering- related industries, the supply of workforce was more than demand. We recommended that students in these related industries should not work immediately after graduation, that teachers in mechanical, dynamic mechanical and electronic engineering should be decreased right away, and that teachers in chemistry engineering and civil engineering should be increased. Finally, in service-related industries, the supply and demand were not consistent in different fields. We recommended that students in these related industries should enter higher schools after graduation, and that teachers in home economics, comestibles and art should be decreased while teachers in business, foreign language and traveling should be increased. Furthermore, the number of students should be controlled year by year to match the decreasing numbers of teachers. Also, the teachers should be guided to take second-specialty courses to balance the supply and demand.
