
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 從期刊與學位論文看西元2000年後臺灣高等教育教學研究之最新發展
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Journal Articles and Theses Based Analysis of Higher Education Teaching-and-Learning Research in Taiwan after 2000 A.D.
作者 吳京玲
頁次 71-105
關鍵字 內容分析法灰色系統理論高等教育教學Content analysisGrey system theoryHigher educationTeaching-and-learningTSSCI
出刊日期 200902




After 2000 A.D., higher education in Taiwan evolved into “quality advancement” period when higher education teaching-and-learning quality became the focus of public attention. This research analyzes journal articles and theses to understand the latest results and future trends of researches on higher education teaching-and-learning in Taiwan. This research employs the content analysis methodology to conduct a thorough investigation of the papers and theses collected, categorized by time, source types, research methodologies, and research topics. This research also employs grey system theory to predict future publication productivity on higher education teaching-and-learning. After careful investigation, this research reveals the results such as: Research publications of teaching-and-learning in higher education have been on the rise, and will continue to increase in the future. The volume of research publications of higher education teaching-and-learning distributed among universities with the exceptions of National Taiwan Normal University, Tamkang University, National Chung Cheng University and National Chengchi University, which produce more publications than the average. Research papers of higher education teaching-and-learning are not frequently seen in TSSCI journals, with the exception of Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, Educational Review, Journal of Education & Psychology, which published more papers than the average. Research on higher education teaching-and-learning is lacking research topics of “student learning” and “e-learning”. Based on above results, this research formulates feasible recommendations to enhance the development of higher education teaching-and-learning in Taiwan.
