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篇名 從PISA測驗結果看九年一貫課程成效與高中職學生成績的差異
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 A Review of the Impact of Grade 1-9 Integrated Coordinated Curriculum and Performance Differences between High School and Vocational School Students Based on the PISA Test
作者 紀惠英林煥祥
頁次 1-39
關鍵字 九年一貫課程臺灣國際學生學習成就評量國際學生學習成就評量教育改革教育機會均等Educational equityEducational reformGrade 1-9 integrated coordinated curriculumPISATWPISATSSCI
出刊日期 200902




In conjunction with a large-scale PISA in Taiwan in 2006, this study utilized the Taiwan PISA team’s translated test materials and questionnaires and used the same procedures to test 2,400 students (2,339 test samples are valid), comprised of 20 10th- grade students and 20 11th-grade students of each school from randomly selected 60 high and vocational schools out of 150 schools tested in the first year, to assess the impact of the Grade 1-9 Integrated Coordinated Curriculum. The test results indicate no significant difference in science, mathematics, and reading between students who studied under the Grade 1-9 Integrated Coordinated Curriculum and those who didn’t. Among tested students, the average education period of 10th grade students (under the Grade 1-9 Integrated Coordinated Curriculum) is one year shorter than that of 11th-grade students (not under the Grade 1-9 Integrated Coordinated Curriculum), but the test results were almost identical in science, mathematics, and reading between these two groups. The test results demonstrate that concerns that the Grade 1-9 Integrated Coordinated Curriculum would lower students’ educational ability are groundless. Based on types of schools, the test results of high school students are much better than those of vocational school students in science, mathematics, and reading. However, the tests are designed by PISA in the context of evaluating students’ modern citizenship ability and quality. In this sense, the citizenship ability and quality are similar between these two different types of schools, even though there are differences in professional abilities and special subject achievement, and this leads to the design of educational tracking for the educational system. This demonstrates that the educational equity between these two groups needs to be improved. The question of how to narrow the gap in achievement between high school students and vocational students is an important issue which will require consideration and resolution.
