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篇名 跨國知識轉移研究:以中國對德國教育學的接受與轉化(1928-1943)為例
卷期 52:3
並列篇名 Knowledge Transfer: The Reception and Transformation of German Pedagogy by Chinese Educationists (1928-1943)
作者 劉蔚之
頁次 43-64
關鍵字 中國教育學跨國知識轉移德國教育學Chinese pedagogytransnational knowledge transferGerman pedagogyTSSCI
出刊日期 200712


本研究從「知識轉移理論」(Theorie des Wissenstransfers)的研究角度,探討中國教育史上第一群直接接受德國教育學之學者,於1928〜1943 年間在德國所完成的九篇博士論文。他們分別習得經驗科學取向的教育學(許恪士、劉鈞)、比較教育學(曾景)、文化教育學(王文俊、馬秉文、張建)、國社主義教育學(吳兆棠、蕭雲來),以及學校教育學(田培林)。在代表其接受德國教育學成果最為精華的博士論文中,他們具體展現出所習得的德國教育學相關領域知識內容,而且多數人的提問及處理研究主題之手法、詮釋觀點,顯示對於中國當時全盤移植美國教育制度與理論、喪失民族精神與文化的現象,深表批判;從而欲參考德國經驗,回歸及復興中國傳統文化精神來提振本國教育。回顧與檢視中、德兩國此一跨國知識轉移的教育史實,學者的純粹知識興趣和本國教育文化需求兩者實質地交互影響著知識轉移的過程,而學者們對於所習得知識的詮釋與再脈絡化,則是必經歷程。


The purpose of this paper was to analyze nine dissertations by Chinese educationists who completed their doctoral degrees between 1928 and 1943 in Germany. It looks at the “transfer” of educational knowledge from Germany to China during that period by looking at these Chinese scholars’ selection of dissertation topics, their way of organizing their dissertations, and their perspectives on interpreting the new educational knowledge they had acquired in Germany. Thus the researcher is taking the perspective of the theory of knowledge transfer to show how the nine Chinese scholars living in Germany had an important impact on educational thinking and policy in China. Here it is important to note that both the purely theoretical interest of the individual educationists and the educational needs of their mother state (China) were critical elements in the process of knowledge transfer.
