
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 在整合資訊架構下發展學院計分卡
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 Under the Architecture of Integrated Information to Implement Academic Scorecard
作者 賴宏峰謝志光林煜超吳光耀
頁次 169-177
關鍵字 整合資訊架構學院計分卡平衡計分卡因果關係圖ARISBSCAcademic scorecardCause-and-effect diagramEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200406


策略管理與績效衡量是實現組織願景的重要途徑,其中平衡計分卡(balanced scorecard; BSC)已被驗證為有效的工具,回顧過去探討BSC的相關 論文,多數著重於企業應用領域,較少探討如何應用於學院機構,且未能結合電腦輔助軟體工具以降低分析與計算的複雜性,因此本文旨在提出一個發展學院計分卡(academicscar缸扭曲的新方法論,其基本構想為藉由整合組織中的各 種資訊模式,並且以整合資訊架構工具ARIS軟體,用以分析/設計學院計分卡。最後,本文並以聯合技術學院為例,說明應用整合資訊架構之BSC之發展過程與結果,以驗證此方法論之可實做性。


Strategic management and performance measurement are critical ways to accomplish the organization's vision. The Balanced ScoreCard (BSC) has been validated as an effective management tool for enterprises. After reviewing past BSC papers, we find that most of these papers aim at how to apply BSC to an enterprise, seldom studying academic applications or software tool assistance. Themain objective of this paper is to propose a new method for implementing an academic scorecard based on integrated information. An ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) tool is applied to reduce the complexity of analysis and computation for BSC. Finally, we also apply the method to National Lien Ho Institute of Technology as an example to illustrate the feasibility of this method.
