
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 細料含量與非均向壓密對岸邊土壤液化強度之影響
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 Influence of Fine Content and Anisotropic Consolidated Condition on Liquefaction Resistance of Riverside Sands
作者 蕭達鴻黃信智
頁次 161-167
關鍵字 細料均向與非均向壓密液化強度Liquefaction resistanceFine contentIsotropicAnisotropic consolidationEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200406




The object of this paper is to investigate the effect of fines content on the liquefaction resistance of soil beside a river. The factor of the anisotropic condition for lateral unloading will also be studied. Accordingly, with riverside sands from near the Chen-Zerng river of Kaosiung city, mixed local fines were used to conduct a series of dynamic triaxial tests under isotropic and anisotropic conditions. Therelative densities varied from 30% to 70% and the fines content were 0%,5%, 15% and 25%. The test results indicate that the liquefaction resistance of specimens subject to isotropical condition will decrease with increasing fines content except for loose/medium dense specimens with FC=5%. Since the testing results of clean sands are higher than those of sands with fines content, the liquefaction resistance of specimens, apparently, will decrease due to adding fines to produce an isotropicωndition. Thusthe liquefaction potential evaluation is applicable for engineering; the isotropic condition revealed could tend to danger.
