
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 「背向多泵激架構」拉曼放大頻段之增益平坦處理
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 The Gain-Flattened Process of Raman Amplification Band with Backward-Multipump Architecture
作者 洪鴻文陳靜慧許嘉文
頁次 155-160
關鍵字 背向多泵激拉曼光纖放大器增益平坦化色散抑低補償Fiber raman amplifierFRABackward-multipumpDispersion suppressionCompensationGain-flattenedEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200406


本文針對背向多激架構之\"拉曼光纖放大器(backward-multipump)"實作及特性分析進行探討研究。有關(fiber Raman amplifier ,FRA)背向多激架構的研發主軸:拉曼增億之有效提升與放大頻段之增益平坦處理,本文共計採用單膜光纖(single mode fiber ,SMF)、色散補償模組(dispersion compensation module,DCM)以及大有效面積光纖(large-effective area fiber ,LEAF)在100Km光路長度上進行拉曼放大實驗,其間並就色散抑低/補償與增益平坦處理成效進行比較探討。


In this paper, we investigate the problems of design and implementation
of a fiber Raman amplifier (FRA) based on backward-multipump architecture. In addition, the characteristics of the proposed FRA are also analyzed. Three kinds of devices, i.e., single mode fiber (SMF), dispersion compensation module(DCM) and large-effective area fiber (LEAF), are employed to evaluate the effect of Raman amplification over a 100Km transmission distance. Experimental results indicate that the suppression
and compensation of dispersion are not only capable of enhancing the
Raman gain but also helpful for the gain-flatten process using multipump
power control. As suggested in this paper, a backward-multipump architecture is one of the possible solutions for achieving high Raman gain
while maintaining excellent flatness.
