
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 應用熱能電池於儲冰式空調系統之容量估算
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 The Capacity Estimation of a Thermal Battery Used in a Liquid-Ice Storage System
作者 林鴻彬沈仲晃蕭明哲
頁次 147-153
關鍵字 熱能電池截峰法則能量平衡Thermal batteryPeak shaving methodEnergy balanceEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200406


本文將熱能電池(thermal battery)裝置於儲冰式空調系統之中,用以儲存冷房負荷輕載或無載時之多餘電能,使空調系統主機隨時以幾近於滿載之狀態運轉,並將所儲存之能量用於冷房負荷尖峰時刻;如此既能擴大冷房能力,又能轉移日夜間之電力需求,而且還能提高運轉效率並達到恆溫控制的效果。為得到良好的運轉效果,主機容量的選擇為首要課題;首先必須計算出運轉周期下之冷房負荷,再利用载峰法則求得主機的容量,以尖峰冷房負荷扣除主機容量,即可決定熱能電池之容量至於熱能電池之總儲能則可根據能量平衡原則求得。


A thermal battery used in a liquid-ice storage system can reserve residual electrical energy from partially loaded or non-loaded cooling rooms. The battery helps the system operate at full load and releases reserved energy during peak demand. Moreover, it offers more refrigerating capacity, transfers load demand from day to night, raises operating efficiency, and also stabilizes temperatures in the cooling room. This paper explicates how the choice of the condensing unit capacity (CUC) makes better use of its operating efficiency. First, we calculate the cooling load in an operating period, and then a peak shaving method is applied to choose the CUC figure. As a result, we can find the needed capacity of the thermal battery when we subtract the above CUC figure from the peak cooling load. The total storage energy can be estimated easily from the energy balance.
