
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 變頻器驅動之馬達端共模電壓抑制策略研究
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 Investigation of Strategies for Suppressing Common-Mode Voltage at Motor Terminals in Voltage-FED PWM Inverters
作者 蔡明村林賢忠
頁次 121-130
關鍵字 馬達軸心電壓共模雜訊被動式濾波器Common mode noiseMotor shaft voltagePassive filterEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200406




This paper presents a comprehensive analysis for common mode noise induced at motor terminals. It causes motor shaft voltage to build up through electrostatic couplings between the rotor to the stator windings, rotor and frame, resulting in excessive bearing current. In addition, the common mode noise will induce a much larger common mode leakage current to flow into the ground via electrostatic coupling between the power cables, the stator windings and the ground frame. Existing strategies for these concerns will be studied to solve these serious problems including different PWM techniques and passive filter structures. Effectiveness and performance have been demonstrated by means of prototype case studies.
