
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 判斷可否脫模與求取脫模角的一個快速方法
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 A Fast Method for Partibility and Finding Parting Angles
作者 陳漢明林宗翰
頁次 113-119
關鍵字 可否脫模脫模角自由曲面PartibilityParting anglesFree-form surfacesEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200406




Free-form surfaces are frequently used to consider the ergonomic and
esthetic factors. The traditional methods for partibility can’t be efficiently applied to objects with free-form surfaces. An efficient method is proposed in this paper that can get partibility results for either regular or free-form surface objects. Furthermore, the parting pyramid can be found from the results of our method. Although the parting pyramid is the exact description of parting directions, it is not suitable for common usage. Our method finds an inscribed cone from the parting pyramid, i.e., the parting cone. This cone only includes an axis and a parting angle. The parting cone is easily visualized for describing the parting directions of an object.
