
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 老年人心電圖推理系統之研製
卷期 22:3
並列篇名 An ECG Reasoning System for the Elderly
作者 沈瑞棋
頁次 263-269
關鍵字 心電圖遠距醫療推理DWTFPNECGTelemedicineReasoningEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200709




Soon there will be more senior citizens and chronic diseases than ever. The number of elderly people who need constant assistance will increase a lot. The key point of all critical care of elderly live alone is continuous monitoring of their vital signs. Among these, the ECG signal is used as a noninvasive diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Also, there is a pressing need to have a system for patient identification. Errors in patient identification can lead to disastrous results. This paper proposes an ECG reasoning system, which integrates ECG and RFID identification systems for monitoring elderly people. This system enables continuous monitoring and identification of elderly people who live alone.
