
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 多目標船舶碰撞資訊的演算解析法
卷期 22:3
並列篇名 An Analytical Algorithm for Collision Information among Multiple Vessels
作者 羅逢源吳東明蘇東濤
頁次 243-252
關鍵字 碰撞資訊微分方法CPATCPACollision informationDifferential approachClosest point of approachTime of CPAEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200709




This paper gives an analytical algorithm to manipulate the collision information among multiple vessels. The method can formulate an individual two-vessel distance function and minimum distance of the function, i.e. two-vessel CPA and TCPA, which can be clearly derived by a differential approach. Here two mathematical approaches, such as Global Coordinates and Radar Coordinates, are analytically described, and four (4) parameters of position, course and speed of the specific ship are necessarily required for numerical simulation. By the way, four case studies are calculated to confirm the validity of our method. This algorithm can calculate all ships collision information in a specific area of water, and provide collision information and the priority of ship collision risk. In conclusion, it is firmly recommended to use our system for Ship Anti-Collision Information System at coast Radar or harbor VTS stations.
